• Grab e-voucher can only be used through the Grab app. This voucher is only valid on Grab Food.
• Each Grab voucher code is only applicable for 1 (one) time usage.
• Grab e-voucher cannot be stacked, clubbed or combined for use in a single transaction.
• Any remaining balance will be forfeited. If the value of your order exceeds the value of Grab e-voucher, any outstanding balance must be paid using a different payment method.
• Grab e-voucher cannot be used with other promotions/vouchers/gift e-vouchers in a single order at the time of booking.
• Grab e-voucher must be redeemed within the stipulated period. No extension of validity allowed.
• Grab e-voucher is non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash/credit-in-kind. Any unconsumed value shall be forfeited.
• Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
• Voucher code will be send via WhatsApp. The e-voucher codes will be sent through WhatsApp using the mobile number +60 12-610 6617